Approach to Wealth Management
No matter what the current value of your assets, it is important that you take proactive steps to plan for and manage the growth of your wealth. Waiting for fate to take you down the financial path of your dreams will most likely produce disappointing results. Taking the necessary actions now increases the likelihood you will meet your financial goals.
It is critical that you have one Financial Advisor' who understands your complete financial picture and is able to provide you with personalized advice.
At Optima Asset Management Anthony and AJ specialize in working with investors like you to formulate goals, evaluate your current financial situation, and identify where there may be opportunity for growth. Working together, an action plan is created to prioritize and address these opportunities.
Progress toward goals is monitored, with adjustments made as needed. We remains by your side as your needs and goals change over time, providing ongoing advice, communication, and exceptional service.
'These services are offered by Anthony J. Righi and Andrew J. Clark through their affiliation with Cambridge Investment Research.